Cookies policy

  1. and websites use cookies, which are text files saved on your computer, identifying you in a way necessary to enable certain operations. Cookies are used, among others, to remember the data necessary to log in. The prerequisite for the operation of cookies is their acceptance by the browser and not deleting them from the disk.
  2. The website uses "session" cookies (saved until you leave the site, close your browser) and "permanent" (saved on your computer for a specific period of time).
  3. Website users can change their settings in this regard. Your web browser allows you to delete and block files. For details, please refer to the help or documentation of your web browser.
  4. Deactivating cookies will usually result in limiting or blocking some of the website's functionality.
  5. Cookies used on and websites do not store personal data.
  6. We have a legitimate interest to provide customer support, which involves the processing of cookies or other data you enter into the chat box. Personal data in the chat box is processed automatically. Advanced features are only enabled if you have explicitly consented to them using analytics and/or marketing cookies. The chat service provider and data processor is, s.r.o., ID No.: 036 68 681, with registered office at Šumavská 31, 602 00 Brno (Czech Republic).
Diagdent - Pracownie Radiologii Stomatologicznej i Laryngologicznej
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